Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Laura Has Left the Building

In my four years at Ewenique Yarns, I have gained so much as a knitter and as a person. As we all know, 130 N. Bond Street is more than just a "yarn shop". It is a community of warm, caring and intelligent women sharing their lives, loves and losses. We are brought together from all corners through our mutual desire to knit, and find we have more in common than just our craft. To all those I have taught to knit, I hope you continue on. You have learned a lifelong skill. To all my fellow knitters, the best thing you can do is to share your knowledge and teach someone new to knit! As for me, I am busy making lemonade with the lemons life has given me at the moment. I promise to keep in touch with everyone, and you will see me occasionally on a Saturday or as life permits. Keep working on your Hanne's, two socks on two circulars, mitered squares and other projects. Maggie, I can't put into words what your friendship means to me. Simply put - I love you - You Rock - Peace Out - Laura


maggie said...

we will miss you lb. good things are going to happen. love u 2

Anonymous said...

Even as an occasional venturer into your wonderful world, I knew the first time I met you what a treasured and special member of the "family" you are. I know you will be especially missed.
Little Pat (Patsy's niece)

Anonymous said...

When all is said and done, that will be some of the best lemonade you've ever made. Take care of yourself and the kids and visit often. I'm not sure I'm ready to go solo with these socks!

Anonymous said...

You are going to be missed Laura. And boy what a great lemonade you are going to make from those lemons!! There is nothing stopping you now.
Glad you plan to keep in touch and hope I am in the shop when you pop in from time to time. Love you. Janet(Smith)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Laura, for sharing your limitless knowlegde of knitting with me. I learned so much from you. I know you'll go far in your future endeavers. I will miss working with you! Debbi

Anonymous said...

Laura, thank you for all the smiles and hugs you greeted me with when I walked into the shop. Your lemons have been sour but will become sweet. Although I have not been in for 6 months I always had you and Mag in my heart. I hope to visit often now and hope I see you in the shop. Thanks for your knowledge and never being to busy to help me learn. Love and God Bless, hugs, Patti Hagan

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you, I will see you soon! Thanks for all of your help and special deliveries!! Hope we knit/crochet together soon!! Pam R

Anonymous said...

Dear Laura, We met and knitted together just one time. But you are one of the welcoming experts that I have met at Ewenique Yarns. It is not the yarn alone that is unique; the fine and friendly people are a unique community. Best wishes in your new job, and I look forward to seeing you at our favorite shop. Barbara Kreamer