Friday, April 28, 2006

Spring Greetings

I am crocheting a beautiful cardigan. Laura is working with Kid Silk Haze and Rosemarie is currently knitting socks with Claudia's hand painted merino. Mark, our UPS man, just brought in more Rowan Beach books. Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Well look at you!!! I'm so glad to see that my favorite place has joined the 21st century..... The only problem is that others may discover the coolest place in Bel Air. Satellite parking can't be far behind!!!

molly | said...

Wow--so exciting to see you have a blog. There's a great community of blog knitters out here...

Sedge said...

What-ho! Someone else for me to stalk? XD

I really need to visit y'all again, but my mother has informed me that I have a sickness and am not allowed to get anymore yarn.



Amy said...

Congrats on the blog...looks great!

Heather said...

Yahooooo, a blog! I need to come in more often but the kids don't let me out of the house much. Can't wait to check out the summer yarns, I've been wanting to try a bamboo yarn.

Take care, local Bel Air knit blogger.